Notamify Atomic Elements: The Future of NOTAM Intelligence and Flight Planning


We're introducing Atomic Elements, a feature developed based on your feedback that helps turn complex NOTAMs into clear, practical answers to your most common questions: "Can I land at this airport?", "What taxiways are closed?", and "Which NOTAMs matter for my flight?"

Pilots Asked, We Delivered

As fellow flight dispatchers, we understand the real challenges of NOTAM interpretation:

I just need to know if I can land at my destination."

"I don't have time to read 50 NOTAMs to find closed taxiways."

"Important runway information shouldn't be buried in pages of text.

Atomic Elements addresses these challenges by organizing NOTAMs around the airport infrastructure they actually affect, making critical information easier to find when you need it.

What It Offers

  • Clearer answers about runway availability
  • Organized lists of taxiway restrictions
  • Simplified approach procedure status
  • Visual cues for operational impact severity

1. Runway Status at a Glance

For any flight, knowing runway availability at your destination is fundamental.

Atomic Elements organizes this information to show you:

  • Which runways are closed, or have restrictions by NOTAMs
  • Which approaches are not available for your arrival
  • When runway or approach restrictions apply
  • Current status of runway lighting systems

This organization helps you focus on information that affects your landing decisions without searching through unrelated NOTAMs.

Atomic Elements - Affected Runways

2. Navigating Taxiway Closures

Ground operations require clear information about taxiway availability.

The system provides:

  • Current status of taxiways affected by NOTAMs (closed, restricted)
  • Logical grouping by airport area for better situational awareness
  • Information on how closures might affect access to particular runways
  • Timeframes for restrictions to help with planning

This layout gives you a clearer picture of ground movement options without having to cross-reference multiple NOTAMs.

Atomic Elements - Affected Taxiways

3. Approach Availability Simplified

Weather often dictates which approach you'll fly, and knowing which ones are available matters.

Atomic Elements helps by showing:

  • Currently unavailable approaches
  • Relationships between navigation equipment outages and approach status
  • Potential impacts on approach minimums
  • Alternative approach options when primary choices are affected

This information helps with arrival planning, particularly in challenging weather conditions.

Atomic Elements - Affected Approaches

4. Finding What Actually Matters

Not every NOTAM deserves the same attention. Atomic Elements helps you prioritize:

  • Visual indicators highlight critical operational impacts
  • Content organization reflects the needs of different operations
  • Time-based filtering shows what's relevant for your flight window
  • Links to original NOTAMs provide full context when needed

This approach can help reduce time spent on NOTAM review while improving comprehension of important restrictions.

5. Supporting Better Flight Planning

Atomic Elements also contributes to more informed flight planning:

  • Helps identify when alternate routes might be advisable due to airport restrictions
  • Provides clearer information about restrictions that might affect your flights
  • Offers better context when considering alternate airports
  • Helps anticipate ground routing changes that might affect taxi time

By organizing NOTAM data around operational impacts, the system supports more informed preflight decision-making.


Atomic Elements organizes NOTAMs to answer the questions that matter most during flight planning:

  1. Runway Availability: Which runways I cannot use and when
  2. Ground Navigation: Current taxiway status and restrictions
  3. Approach Options: What's restricted based on current NOTAMs
  4. Operational Relevance: Which NOTAMs actually affect your flight
  5. Planning Context: How these factors might influence your decisions

The goal is straightforward: help you find critical information faster and reduce the risk of missing important details during flight preparation.

Beta Testing Opportunity

We're preparing to make Atomic Elements available for beta testing. We'd value your professional insights to help refine this feature.

Sign up for the beta program if you're interested in contributing to its development and testing how it might integrate into your workflow.

Atomic Elements is part of our commitment to making flight planning simpler, faster, and safer through intelligent aviation data processing.

Damian Szumski

Damian Szumski


10+ years of experience in flight operations, tech and AI. Making aviation data more accessible and understandable for everyone.