Runway conditions at CYVR indicate wet surfaces for multiple runways.
2025-02-23 05:28 - 2025-02-23 13:28
Period of Applicability
2025-02-23 05:28 - 2025-02-23 13:28
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Runway Surface Condition (RSC) reports for CYVR indicate that runways 08L, 26R, 08R, and 26L are 100 percent wet during specified times. The valid times for RSC 08L and RSC 26R are from Feb 23, 0527 to Feb 23, 1327. The valid times for RSC 08R and RSC 26L are from Feb 23, 0008 to Feb 23, 0808.
RSC 08L 5/5/5 100 PCT WET, 100 PCT WET, 100 PCT WET. VALID FEB 23 0527 - FEB 23 1327. RSC 26R 5/5/5 100 PCT WET, 100 PCT WET, 100 PCT WET. VALID FEB 23 0527 - FEB 23 1327. RSC 08R 5/5/5 100 PCT WE...
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Issued at: 2025-02-23 05:28