Enontekio AFIS operating hours adjusted and closed on certain dates.
2024-12-18 13:55 - 2025-01-31 23:59
Period of Applicability
2024-12-18 13:55 - 2025-01-31 23:59
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The AFIS service at Enontekio Airport has specific operational hours on various days from December 18 to January 31. The airport will remain closed on several dates, such as December 25, 28-29, December 31-January 1, and other listed dates.
ENONTEKIO AFIS OPR HR: DEC 18 1000-1515 1700-1915, DEC 19 0900-1445 1715-1930, DEC 20 0930-1500 1715-2040, DEC 21 0915-1515 1715-1930, DEC 22 0845-1445 1715-1930, DEC 23 0945-1500 1800-1900, DEC 24 09...
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