Aeronautical navigation obstacle light unserviceable.
2025-01-20 14:13 - 2025-04-20 13:07
Period of Applicability
2025-01-20 14:13 - 2025-04-20 13:07
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A navigation obstacle light is not functioning at position 522901N 0015415W near Birmingham. The height of the obstacle is 499 feet above ground level and 912 feet above mean sea level. For more details, contact the provided phone number.
REPORT OF AIR NAV OBST LGT U/S AT PSN 522901N 0015415W (BIRMINGHAM). HGT 499FT AGL/912FT AMSL. FOR INFO 01613 790400. AR-2025-395/01.
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Issued at: 2025-01-20 14:14