Tower lighting out of service near Savannah/Hilton Head Intl Airport.
2025-02-16 05:41 - 2025-04-02 05:41
Period of Applicability
2025-02-16 05:41 - 2025-04-02 05:41
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The tower with AMSL height of 520 feet and AGL height of 500 feet near Savannah/Hilton Head Intl (SAV) airport has its lighting system out of service. Effective from February 16, 2025, to April 2, 2025.
SAV OBST TOWER LGT (ASR 1252033) 320929.00N0805927.00W (11.0NM E SAV) 520.0FT (500.0FT AGL) U/S 2502160541-2504020541
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Issued at: 2025-02-16 05:41