Equipment with maximum height of 10 meters operating within the work area near coordinates at OTBD.
2025-01-26 02:00 - 2025-04-25 23:59
Period of Applicability
2025-01-26 02:00 - 2025-04-25 23:59
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Equipment of up to 10 meters above ground level is operating within a work area defined by specific coordinates at OTBD.
EQPT WITH MAX HEIGHT OF 10M AGL OPERATING WI THE WORK AREA BOUNDED BY THE FLW COORD (RWY WORK AREA): 251641.95N 0513329.79E - 251546.75N 0513354.13E - 251544.93N 0513349.16E - 251640.13N 0513324.82E -...
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Issued at: 2025-02-01 11:39