Equipment with maximum height of 10 meters operating in the work area on TWY B1.
2025-01-26 02:00 - 2025-04-25 23:59
Period of Applicability
2025-01-26 02:00 - 2025-04-25 23:59
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Equipment up to 10 meters above ground level is operating within the work area bounded by the given coordinates on TWY B1.
EQPT WITH MAX HEIGHT OF 10M AGL OPERATING WI THE WORK AREA BOUNDED BY THE FLW COORD (TWY B1 WORK AREA): 251604.30N 0513344.97E - 251608.16N 0513350.39E - 251602.57N 0513352.85E - 251601.92N 0513346.02...
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Issued at: 2025-02-01 11:51