Increase landing minima for RNP RWY 34 approach due to crane erection.
Period of Applicability
2024-12-26 23:59 - 2025-03-16 23:59
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The instrument approach procedure for RNP RWY 34 at Dublin Airport has increased landing minima due to the erection of a crane. This impacts landing category minima for LPV, LNAV/VNAV, and LNAV approaches, with specific visibility requirements for categories A through D.
[US DOD PROCEDURAL NOTAM] INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURE LIMITED RNP RWY 34 DUE TO ERECTION OF CRANE, INCR LAND MINIMA. LPV* : CAT A 603/1500M 401 (400-1500M); CAT B 613/1500M 411 (400-1500M); CAT C 622/1500M 420 (400-1500M); CAT D 632-1600M 430 (400-1600M). LNAV/VNAV** : CAT A 610/1500M 408 (400-1500M); CAT B 620/1500M 418 (400-1500M); CAT C 630-1600M 428 (400-1600M). LNAV***: CAT AB 720/1500M 518 (500-1500M); CAT CD 720-1900M 518 (500-1900M). CHG ALS INOP NOTES TO READ: *WHEN ALS INOP, INCREASE CAT ABC VIS TO 1900M, RVR NA; CAT D VIS TO 2000M. **WHEN ALS INOP, INCREASE CAT AB VIS TO 1900M, RVR NA; CAT C VIS TO 2000M; CAT D VIS TO 2300M.​