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Airport maintenance

Taxiway T6 closed to aircraft with wingspan more than 171 feet.

2024-07-02 12:05 - 2024-12-31 23:59

Period of Applicability

2024-07-02 12:05 - 2024-12-31 23:59

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Taxiway T6 between Taxiway L and Taxiway Y1 is closed for aircraft with a wingspan greater than 171 feet, except for a 30-minute prior permission requested (PPR) window. For more information, contact 615-275-1612.


TWY T6 BTN TWY L AND TXL Y1 CLSD TO ACFT WINGSPAN MORE THAN 171FT EXC 30MIN PPR 615-275-1612 2407021205-2412312359

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!BNA 07/030 BNA TWY T6 BTN TWY L AND TXL Y1 CLSD TO ACFT WINGSPAN MORE THAN 171FT EXC 30MIN PPR 615-275-1612 2407021205-2412312359