RNAV (RNP) Z RWY 26R amendment at Ontario Intl.
2024-04-24 17:57 - 2026-04-24 17:57
Period of Applicability
2024-04-24 17:57 - 2026-04-24 17:57
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Amendment 3 to the RNAV (RNP) Z approach for runway 26R at Ontario International Airport includes minimum RNP values and decision altitude for all categories of aircraft.
IAP ONTARIO INTL, ONTARIO, CA. RNAV (RNP) Z RWY 26R, AMDT 3... RNP 0.30 DA 1382/HAT 450 ALL CATS. RVR 4500 ALL CATS. RNP 0.21 DA 1304/HAT 372 ALL CATS. 2404241757-2604241757EST
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Issued at: 2024-04-24 17:57