ONT area tower light (ASR 1321241) is unserviceable.
2025-01-23 06:20 - 2025-03-09 04:30
Period of Applicability
2025-01-23 06:20 - 2025-03-09 04:30
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The light on a tower, located 2.07NM northeast of Ontario (ONT) at coordinates 340447.10N 1173416.00W, with a height of 1101 feet (60 feet AGL), is unserviceable from January 23, 2025, at 0620Z until March 9, 2025, at 0430Z.
OBST TOWER LGT (ASR 1321241) 340447.10N1173416.00W (2.07NM NE ONT) 1101FT (60FT AGL) U/S 2501230620-2503090430
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Issued at: 2025-01-23 06:20