Airspace closed within specified areas and altitudes.
2025-02-23 04:00 - 2025-02-28 10:00
Period of Applicability
2025-02-23 04:00 - 2025-02-28 10:00
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Airspace is closed daily from 0400 to 1000 between February 23, 2025, and February 28, 2025, within a radius of 0.5 km centered at coordinates 683605N0800635E (surface to 270m AMSL) and a specified polygon area (250m AMSL to 270m AMSL).
AIRSPACE CLSD AS FLW: 1. WI CIRCLE RADIUS 0.5KM CENTRE 683605N0800635E SFC-270M AMSL. 2. AREA: 685049N0795730E-685310N0804015E-684157N0805741E- 683628N0804239E-682957N0801349E-683642N08004...
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Issued at: 2025-02-19 15:38